Волшебница Шалотт и другие стихотворения
‘And I,’ quoth Everard, ‘by the wassail-bowl.’
‘Why yes,’ I said, ‘we knew your gift that way
At college: but another which you had,
I mean of verse (for so we held it then),
What came of that?’ ‘You know,’ said Frank, ‘he burnt
His epic, his King Arthur, some twelve books’ —
And then to me demanding why? ‘Oh, sir,
He thought that nothing new was said, or else
Something so said ’twas nothing — that a truth
Looks freshest in the fashion of the day:
God knows: he has a mint of reasons: ask.
It pleased me well enough.’ ‘Nay, nay,’ said Hall,
‘Why take the style of those heroic times?
For nature brings not back the Mastodon,
Nor we those times; and why should any man
Remodel models? these twelve books of mine
Were faint Homeric echoes, nothing-worth,
Mere chaff and draff, much better burnt.’ ‘But I,’
Said Francis, ‘pick’d the eleventh from this hearth
And have it: keep a thing, its use will come.
I hoard it as a sugar-plum for Holmes.’
He laugh’d, and I, tho’ sleepy, like a horse
That hears the corn-bin open, prick’d my ears;
For I remember’d Everard’s college fame
When we were Freshmen: then at my request
He brought it; and the poet little urged,
But with some prelude of disparagement,
Read, mouthing out his hollow oes and aes,
Deep-chested music, and to this result.
У Фрэнка Аллена, под Рождество,
Покончив с фантами и всех девиц
(Уже ушедших) перецеловав,
Сидели мы одни: я, пастор Холмс,
Поэт Эверард Холл и сам хозяин —
Вкруг чаши пуншевой, почти пустой,
И разговор вели не торопясь —
О том, что праздник Рождества померк
Иль выродился в скучный ритуал
Пустых забав; а я, уставши днем
Выписывать восьмерки на пруду,
Где пару раз так треснулся об лед,
Что выбил звезды, — малость задремал
И смутно слышал, как, входя в азарт,
Священник то хвалил епископат,
То геологию бранил в сердцах,
И наконец, когда я вновь проснулся,
Гудел про общий недостаток веры:
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