Волшебница Шалотт и другие стихотворения
Of those who mix all odour to the Gods
On one far height in one far-shining fire.
‘One height and one far-shining fire’
And while I fancied that my friend
For this brief idyll would require
A less diffuse and opulent end,
And would defend his judgment well,
If I should deem it over nice —
The tolling of his funeral bell
Broke on my Pagan Paradise,
And mixt the dream of classic times,
And all the phantoms of the dream,
With present grief, and made the rhymes,
That miss’d his living welcome, seem
Like would-be guests an hour too late,
Who down the highway moving on
With easy laughter find the gate
Is bolted, and the master gone.
Gone into darkness, that full light
Of friendship! past, in sleep, away
By night, into the deeper night!
The deeper night? A clearer day
Than our poor twilight dawn on earth —
If night, what barren toil to be!
What life, so maim’d by night, were worth
Our living out? Not mine to me
Remembering all the golden hours
Now silent, and so many dead,
And him the last; and laying flowers,
This wreath, above his honour’d head,
And praying that, when I from hence
Shall fade with him into the unknown,
My close of earth’s experience
May prove as peaceful as his own.
Хотел бы я вернуться в те года,
Когда зари багрянец, проникая
Сквозь кровлю век, будил мои глаза,
Еще живые, ищущие жадно
Значений, спрятанных в полете птиц,
В извивах пламени над алтарями,
И вещих знаков для мужей и жен,
И тайн, одним богам принадлежащих.
А боги, сын мой, сколько ни молись им,
Куда злопамятней земных владык.
Арес пылает гневом до сих пор:
Он зол на весь ваш род, что происходит
От Кадма, чьим ударом умерщвлен
Там, у реки, на склоне Киферона
Свернувшийся в чудовищные кольца
Гигантский змей, злосчастное отродье
Воинственного бога…
Эта быль,
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